Place an order
We only use this data to process your order, not for commercial purposes such as advertising. The data will be kept for a maximum of 7 years according to the statutory period set by the tax authorities.
Login webshop
We use your personal data to create and manage your personal account, not for commercial purposes such as advertising. The data will be kept for a maximum of 6 months.
We use your personal data to create and manage your personal account, not for commercial purposes such as advertising. The data will be kept for a maximum of 6 months.
It may be that you are not satisfied with our privacy policy, we hope that you will let us know immediately so that we can resolve your dissatisfaction as soon as possible. You can do this by sending us an e-mail with the subject: Complaint to: info@greenvalleyhealthproducts.nl
Or contact us by phone at: +31 88 202 73 73
In addition, you have the right to address your complaint to the Personal Data Authority.